Thursday, January 7, 2016

Plans for Calera

Good Afternoon

We will take a bus to the game at Calera. We will leave during 8th period to avoid having to wait on traffic. We will stop and eat as a team on the way to Calera so all players need to bring a little bit of money tomorrow. I want to eventually be able to provide pregame meals for all games but it isn't feasible right now.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Remainder of January Practice/Game Calendar

I hope everyone had a great Christmas/New Year!
I'm attaching a link to our calendar for the rest of January. Some of this is subject to change.
There are 2 points of emphasis -
1. Our games @ Hueytown/Vestavia will likely not be bus trips because I think the game times are 5:30 and I would have to wait for a bus.
2. Our game @ Central will have to be a "Parents Drive" Trip. I have sent some forms home with the girls, but I've attached a link to our website where you can fill those out. I would like to have one on file for all parents, not so I can have EVERYONE drive, but just to have everyone covered in the event that you may drive.

Thanks for all you do to make my job easy and great!


January Calendar

Volunteer Driver Form